JIAM 2016 报告


时间 2016年4月6日( 星期三)-9日( 星期六)
展馆 大阪国际展览中心
主办单位 一般社团法人日本缝制机械工业会
JIAM服务台 法兰克福展览日本有限公司
展出面积 24,930平方米
参展企业数 258* (including 78 overseas exhibitors)
展位总数 1,227.8
  • Include co-exhibitor

Visitor report

Number of visitors

April 6 (Wed.) 3,535 (1,425)
April 7 (Thu.) 4,124 (1,465)
April 8 (Fri.) 4,252 (595)
April 9 (Sat.) 3,346 (182)
Total 15,257 (3,667)

Visitors Questionnaire

Your occupation

  1. Purchasing
  2. Design
  3. Advertising, planning, and marketing
  4. PR field
  5. Technology, design
  6. Management
  7. Others
  8. N/A

Your job title

  1. MD, Board member, Owner
  2. Manager
  3. Employee
  4. Others
  5. N/A

Overseas visitors by area (JIAM 2016 OSAKA)

Visitors Questionnaire(2016)

Visitors Questionnaire

  1. Purchasing products
  2. Collect information for purchasing
  3. Market survey
  4. Participation in the special exhibit
  5. Interested in exhibiting in next fair
  6. Others
  7. N/A

Was your purpose achieved?

  1. Achieved
  2. Not achieved
  3. N/A


Exhibitor report

Overseas Exhibitors by Country

(co-exhibitors included)

  JIAM2016 JIAM2012
Number of
Number of
Number of
Number of
Overseas China
Incl. Hong Kong and Macau
23 123.5 13 95.3
Germany 11 28.4 11 13.3
Taiwan 16 25 13 34
Italy 6 17 2
Singapore 3 15 2 11
Thailand 1 4 1 1
Bangladesh 3 3 - -
Turkey 1 3 - -
India 3 2 2 1
Korea 3 2 5 7
USA 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 1 1
Indonesia 1 - -
Switzerland 1 1
Greece - - 1 2
France - - 1
Israel - - 1
Sub total 75 224.9 56 166.6
Overseas Press Pakistan 1 1 1 1
Turkey 1 1 1 1
China 1 0.5 1 1
India - - 1 1
Korea - - 1 1
Taiwan - - 1 1
Sub total 3 2.5 6 6
Total 78 227.4 62 172.6
Domestic exhibitors 170 1040.4 133 844
Domestic press 10 10 12 12
Total 180 1050.4 145 856
Grand total 258 1277.8 207 1028.6

*Co-exhibitors (booth share)

Classification of Exhibits

Exhibitor's Questionnaire(2016)

How would you describe the outcome of exhibiting at JIAM 2016? Please choose one.

  1. More than expected
  2. Just as expected
  3. Less than expected
  4. N/A

Do you intend to exhibit at the next JIAM?

  1. Yes
  2. Maybe
  3. Undecided
  4. No
  5. N/A