Special Seminar

Symposiume: Solutions for Sewing TechnologiesCollaboration with the Mechanical Social Systems Foundation (MSSF).

11/27 [Wed.]

Venue: International Conference Hall, INTEX OSAKA

  • Simultaneous interpretation: English, and Japanese
  • 150 seats
  • Free of charge with pre-registration
  • * Check out JIAM2024 OSAKA website for the latest information.
  • * Lectures, dates and times, and event halls may be changed without notice

If you are attending the symposium without a reservation, you will be able to attend if there are sheets available, so please come directly to the reception desk at the symposium venue.

11/27 [Wed.]

  1. 13:25 13:30
    Opening address

    Shinsuke Uchishiba
    Chairman, Japan Sewing Machinery Manufacturers Association (JASMA)

  2. 13:30 14:20
    Special seminar (Planned)

    Industrial Machinery Division, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

  3. 14:45
    Address of Special support

    Toru Aizawa
    Executive Director, The Mechanical Social Systems Foundation

  4. 14:50 16:10


    Solutions for Sewing Technologies


    Shigeki Kondo
    Chairman, Japan Apparel Technology and Research Association

    Panelist (Presentation order)

    Hiroshi Nakamura
    Chief, Strategy development project CAD data utilized for sewing process automated. / Advisor, JUKI Corporation.

    Masahiro Shiraisi
    Vice Chairman, Japan Apparel Sewing Industry Federation

    Tadahiro Kubo
    Toray Advanced Computer Solution, Inc.

    Kosuke Tsumura
    Fashion designer, Professor, Department of Spatial Design, Musashino Art University

  5. 16:15
    Closing Address

Panel Exhibitions

Panel Exhibitions: special exhibits will showcase achievements in “Strategic Planning for CAD Data Utilization in Sewing Process Automation” and items registered as “Future technology heritage” by the National Museum of Science, recognised as influencing national life, economy, society, and culture.

Supported by

The Mechanical Social Systems Foundation (MSSF)

Home Sewing Zone

Snap Leather Pouch

Workshop “Snap Leather Pouch” using industrial sewing machines on-site. The participation fee is ¥1,000 with ¥100 donated to the Japanese Red Cross Society.
Home Sewing Zone hosted by Brother Industries, Ltd., Janome Corp, JUKI Corp and JASMA