JIAM 2012 Report

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JIAM 2012 Report


Chance to showcase the latest technology and information to wide audience

From 17 countries and territories, 207 exhibitors occupied 1028.6 booth spaces. Of these, 145 exhibitors, occupying 856 booth spaces, were from Japan, and 62 exhibitors, occupying 172.6 booth spaces, were from overseas. The show was about the same size as the last show held in 2008, with the number of exhibitors up by 4.5% and the amount of booth space down by 9%. With regard to overseas participants, the show exceeded expectations. Although it attracted about 9% fewer overseas exhibitors than the last show held in Japan in 2005, they occupied 54% more floor space.

The number of IT and printing related exhibitors has been increasing

Reflecting rising labor costs and the pressure to boost productivity, many announcements of new equipment at JIAM 2012 seemed to feature greater automation and labor-saving. Other trends included, in line with the general pace of innovation, more exhibitors concerned with CAD/CAM and applications of information technology, and the greater presence of textile printing.

New-look JIAM has been highly rated

For the exhibitors from 17 countries, in questionnaire responses, more than 90% of exhibitors said that business negotiations took place.
New-look JIAM was highly rated: about 75% of exhibitors answered that outcomes of the current show exceeded expectations or were in line with expectations. Meanwhile, reflecting the successful strategy of spreading by linkage, about 30% of exhibitors were newcomers to JIAM show. Regarding future participation, about 60% of respondents said that they would exhibit or were considering exhibiting in the next show in the series.

Scale of the Show

From 17 countries and territories, 207 exhibitors occupied 1028.6 booth spaces. Of these, 145 exhibitors, occupying 856 booth spaces, were from Japan, and 62 exhibitors, occupying 172.6 booth spaces, were from overseas. The show was about the same size as the last show held in 2008, with the number of exhibitors up by 4.5% and the amount of booth space down by 9%. With regard to overseas participants, the show exceeded expectations. Although it attracted about 9% fewer overseas exhibitors than the last show held in Japan in 2005, they occupied 54% more floor space.

Reflecting rising labor costs and the pressure to boost productivity, many announcements of new equipment at JIAM 2012 seemed to feature greater automation and labor-saving. Other trends included, in line with the general pace of innovation, more exhibitors concerned with CAD/CAM and applications of information technology, and the greater presence of textile printing.

  • Total floor area 18,201㎡ (Hall 3,4,5)
  • Number of exhibitors 207 (Domestic 145: Overseas 62)
  • Number of booths 1,028.6 (Domestic 856: Overseas 172.6)

Breakdown of Exhibitors and Booths (including co-exhbitors)

Description JIAM 2012 JIAM 2008
Number of exhibitors Percentage Number of booths Percentage Number of exhibitors Number of booths
Domestic JASMA Member 24 11.60% 497 48.30% 25 532.75
JASMA Supporting Member 1 0.50% 1 0.10% 3 2.25
Non member 108 52.20% 184 17.90% 31 99
Sub Total 133 64.30% 682 66.30% 59 634
Theme Zone 82 8.00% 66
Home Sewing Zone 55 5.30%
Seminar 25 2.40%
Press 12 5.70% 12 1.20% 11 12
Sub Total 145 70.00% 856 83.20% 70 712
Overseas Non member 56 27.10% 166.6 16.20% 121 409
Press 6 2.90% 6 0.60% 9 9
Sub Total 62 30.00% 172.6 16.80% 130 418
Grand Total 207 100.00% 1,028.60 100.00% 200 1,130

★JIAM 2008 was held in Singapore

Exhibitors by Exhibit Categoly

Classification of exhibits JIAM 2012 JIAM 2008
Number of Booths Number of Booths
①Planning, design, CAD 22 9
②Cutting, spreading, CAM 38 35
③Sewing 79 105
④Embroidery, printing 32 28
⑤Finishing, inspection, testing 27 33
⑥Weaving, knitting, dyeing 8 6
⑦Textiles, fibers, non-woven fabrics 5 5
⑧Notions, supplies 17 24
⑨Household furnishings, apparel accessories 4 6
⑩Distribution, logistics 5 5
⑪Home sewing 7 -
⑫Sundry industrial textiles 1 3
⑬Information technology 10 6
⑭Information services 26 31
⑮Facilities, equipment, environment 10 3
⑯Products (fiber, sewing products etc.) Other 15 15
Total 306 314
  • ※1 Some exhibitors display exhibits in more than one category, resulting in the discrepancy between the actual total number of exhibitors (207) and total shown above.
  • ※2 JIAM 2008 Home Sewing was a subcategory of ‘3. Sewing’
  • ★JIAM 2008 was held in Singapore

Overseas Exhibitors by Country

JIAM 2012 JIAM 2008
Number of Exhibitors Number of Booths Number of Exhibitors Number of Booths
O v e r s e a s China(incl. Hong Kong) 13 95.3 37 199
Taiwan 13 34 24 55
Germany 11 13.3 13 45.33
Singapore 2 11 12 27
Korea 5 7 11 19
USA 2 2 3 6
Greece 1 2 - -
India 2 1 2 3
Thailand 1 1 2 3
Italy 2 7 24
Czech Republic 1 1 3
France 1 - -
Switzerland 1 2 2.67
Israel 1 - -
Malaysia - - 3 10
Sweden - - 1 9
Sri Lanka - - 1 2
UK - - 1 1
Brazil - - 1 -
Sub total 56 166.6 121 409
O v e r s e a s

P r e s s
China(incl. Hong Kong) 1 1 4 4
India 1 1 2 2
Korea 1 1 1 1
Taiwan 1 1 - -
Pakistan 1 1 - -
Turkey 1 1 - -
Sri Lanka - - 1 1
Vietnam - - 1 1
Sub total 6 6 9 9
Total 62 172.6 130 418
Domestic exhibitors 133 844 59 700
Domestic Press 12 12 11 12
Total 145 856 70 712
Grand Total 207 1,028.60 200 1,130
  • ※Co-exhibitors (booth share)
  • ★JIAM 2008 was held in Singapore.

Classification of Exhibits

  1. ①Planning, design, CAD
  2. ②Cutting, spreading,CAM
  3. ③Sewing
  4. ④Embroidery, printing
  5. ⑤Finishing, inspection, testing
  6. ⑥Weaving, knitting, dyeing
  7. ⑦Textiles, fibers, non-woven fabrics
  8. ⑧Notions, supplies
  9. ⑨Household furnishings, apparel accessories
  10. ⑩Distribution, logistics
  11. ⑪Home sewing
  12. ⑫Sundry industrial textiles
  13. ⑬Information technology
  14. ⑭Information services
  15. ⑮Facilities, equipment, environment
  16. ⑯Products (fiber, sewing products etc.)Other

Exhibitors Questionnaire

Questionnaires were distributed to each exhibitor on the third day of the show and collected on the final day.
The response rate was 91.0%.

1.Have you ever exhibited at JIAM?
  1. ①Yes
  2. ②First time
2.How did you learn about JIAM 2012?
  1. ①Exhibited at JIAM 2008.
  2. ②Word of mouth
  3. ③Pamphlet "Guide to Participation"
  4. ④Introduced by client/ contractor.
  5. ⑤Direct mail from the organizers
  1. ⑥Newspaper, advertisement, etc.
  2. ⑦JETRO
  3. ⑧Other
  4. ⑨No response
3.What was your purpose to exhibit?
  1. ①To unveil new products
  2. ②Corporate PR.
  3. ③Sales promotions to Japan
  1. ④Sales promotions to markets other than Japan
  2. ⑤Gather information on the market
  3. ⑥Gather the visitors' opinions
4.Which visitors were more important for you, Japanese or those from other countries?
  1. ①Japanese visitors
  2. ②Non-Japanese visitors
  3. ③Both
  4. ④No clear distinction
  5. ⑤Others
5.How did you feel about the number of visitors coming to your booth?
Japanese visitors
①More than expected
②Just as expected
③Less than expected
④No response
Other countries' visitors
①More than expected
②Just as expected
③Less than expected
④No response
6.How would you describe your business conversations with visitors during the show?
  1. ①More than expected.
  2. ②Negotiations will continue.
  3. ③No response
7.How would you describe the outcome of exhibiting at JIAM 2012?
  1. ①More than expected.
  2. ②Just as expected.
  3. ③Less than expected.
  4. ④No response
8.Do you intend to exhibit at the next JIAM?
  1. ①Yes
  2. ②Maybe
  3. ③Undecided
  4. ④No
  5. ⑥No response


From 53 countries and regions, JIAM attracts high-value visitors from key industries

JIAM 2012 was blessed with generally sunny weather during the four days of the show. The recorded number of visitors was 15,764, nearly one third (32%) more than the attendance at JIAM 2008.
Compared with JIAM 2005, a greater number of visitors also designated themselves as apparel makers (increased to 18.6% from 16.4%). This can be attributed to greater appeal to the fashion industry, as a related field, of New-look JIAM focused on linkage in the theme zone and fashion zone, as well as in the symposiums and seminars. The lessons learned will be applied in forthcoming JIAM shows.
By location 81.2% of visitors came from where global production is concentrated: Northeast and Southeast Asia. And the proportion of visitors from both China and the developing countries in Asia is rising.

Active business meetings are taking place at JIAM

Many overseas visitors were people responsible for making company decisions, and they contributed to the general atmosphere of the show as a lively forum where business was being conducted.
Visitors from inside and outside the sewing industry praised JIAM 2012 as a High-quality trade fair, and exhibitors reported substantive business inquiries and effective PR activities. Overall, the show was evaluated highly, by both buyers and exhibitors, as providing excellent opportunities for directly meeting desirable business partners.

Strong support from many apparel and fiber organizations around the world

Worldwide, attendance was from 53 countries and areas. As well as coming from the sewing industry sector, visitors listed involvement in related sectors such as apparel making, retailer and trading company. Besides China, South Korea, and Taiwan, a large number of Asian visitors came from Southeast Asia and South Asia, including Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
In fact, overseas trade visitors accounted for one in six of the total.
JIAM is one of Japan’s largest international trade fairs in terms of overseas visitors with the sponsorship and support from garment, textile and machinery manufacturers associations in the world.

The vibrant venue with a markedly international character

Many of the Japanese exhibitors showed their latest products and systems, technology that cannot be seen at sewing machinery shows in other countries. Therefore, on questionnaires, many trade visitors responded in this vein: “I was glad to have experienced the latest technology”; and “I was able to get a lot of information from aggressive exhibitors.” Able to see the exhibits they wanted and obtain the information they came for, more than 90% of respondents said that they achieved the purpose of their visit and satisfied for JIAM show.


JIAM 2012 was blessed with generally sunny weather during the four days of the show. The recorded number of visitors was 15,764, nearly one third (32%) more than the attendance at JIAM 2008.
Compared with JIAM 2005, a greater number of visitors also designated themselves as apparel makers (increased to 18.6% from 16.4%). This can be attributed to greater appeal to the fashion industry, as a related field, of New-look JIAM focused on linkage in the theme zone and fashion zone, as well as in the symposiums and seminars. The lessons learned will be applied in forthcoming JIAM shows.
By location 81.2% of visitors came from where global production is concentrated: Northeast and Southeast Asia. And the proportion of visitors from both China and the developing countries in Asia is rising.

Many overseas visitors were people responsible for making company decisions, and they contributed to the general atmosphere of the show as a lively forum where business was being conducted.
Visitors from inside and outside the sewing industry praised JIAM 2012 as a high-quality trade fair, and exhibitors reported substantive business inquiries and effective PR activities. Overall, the show was evaluated highly, by both buyers and exhibitors, as providing excellent opportunities for directly meeting desirable business partners.

  • Number of visitors 15,764 (including 2,594 overseas visitors)
  • Number of visitors registered 14,055 (including 2,394 overseas visitors)

Number of visitors

JIAM 2012 JIAM 2008
Date Weather Number of Visitors(Overseas)※1 Number of Visitors Registered(Overseas)※2 Date Number of Visitors
Sep.19 Wed. Fine 4052(1360) 4052(1360) May 13 Tue. 3,673
Sep. 20 Thurs. Fine 4080(629) 3437(530) May 14 Wed. 4,322
Sep. 21 Fri. Fine 4303(584) 3574(485) May 15 Thrus. 3,035
Sep. 22 Sat. Cloudy 3329(21) 2992(19) May 16 Fri. 952
Total 15764(2594) 14055(2394) Total 11,982
  • ※1 Multiple entries by a bar-coded ticketholder on the same day were counted as one visitor
  • ※2 Registered visitors who attended on more than one day were counted only once, on first day of attendance.
  • ★JIAM 2008 was held in Singapore.

Visitors by Industry

  1. ①Public (Organization, other)
  2. ②Interior goods manufacturers
  3. ③Students
  4. ④Embroidery, printing, dyeing, finishing industry
  5. ⑤Textile and material industry
  6. ⑥Machine manufacturers and sales industry
  7. ⑦Sewing industry
  8. ⑧Apparel manufacturers
  9. ⑨Retailers/Trading company /SPA

Overseas Visitors Registered

Name of country No. of visitors registered %
China(incl. Hong Kong) 1,142 47.70%
Korea 147 6.10%
Taiwan 124 5.20%
India 123 5.10%
Sri Lanka 105 4.40%
Thailand 101 4.20%
Bangladesh 84 3.50%
Vietnam 77 3.20%
Indonesia 60 2.50%
Turkey 35 1.50%
Pakistan 27 1.10%
Singapore 25 1.00%
Myanmar 23 1.00%
USA 20 0.80%
Iran 19 0.80%
Colombia 16 0.70%
Germany 14 0.60%
Malaysia 13 0.50%
Others 239 10.10%
Total(53 countries ,area) 2,394 100.00%

Philippines(10), Canada(9), Italy(8), Russia(7), Argentina(6), Cambodia(6), Uzbekistan(5), Brazil(4), France(4), Mauritius(4), Mexico(4), New zealand(4), U.A.E.(4), Australia(3), Peru(3), Saudi Arabia(3), Spain(3), Bahrain(2), Czech Republic(2), Kazakhstan(2), Romania(2), South Africa(2), Belgium(1), Denmark(1), Ecuador(1), UK(1), Fiji(1), Greece(1), Guatemala(1), Honduras(1), Kenya(1), Holland(1), Serbia(1), Switzerland(1), Unknown(130)

Overseas Visitors by Area

Visitors Questionnaire

During the four days of the show, visitor questionnaires were made available at three locations, including INTEX Plaza. In total, 6.7% of the visitors returned 1,062 completed questionnaires.

1.Your field of business:
  1. ①Apparel manufacturer
  2. ②Sewing industry
  3. ③Textile and material Industry/
  4. ④Machine manufacturer and
    sales Industry
  5. ⑤Embroidery, printing,
    dyeing and finishing industry
  6. ⑥Interior goods
  7. ⑦Retailer, trading company
  8. ⑧Students
  9. ⑨General(associations
    and the others)
  10. ⑩No response
2.Your occupation:
  1. ①Purchasing
  2. ②Design
  3. ③Advertising, planning,
    and marketing
  4. ④PR field
  5. ⑤Technology
  6. ⑥Management
  7. ⑦Others
  8. ⑧No response
3.Your job title:
  1. ①Administrative manager
  2. ②Executive
  3. ③Job worker
  4. ④Others
  5. ⑤No response
4.How/from whom did you learn about JIAM 2012?
  1. ①Introduced by clients, contractors.
  2. ②A friend
  3. ③Direct mail
    from JIAM exhibitors
  4. ④Direct mail
    from JIAM’s organizer
  5. ⑤Poster
  6. ⑥Newspaper
  7. ⑦Newspaper
  8. ⑧Others
  9. ⑨No response
5.Your purpose of visit:
  1. ①Ordering and purchasing
  2. ②Collection of information
  3. ③Studying the market
  4. ④Visiting special events
  1. ⑤Attending seminars
  2. ⑥Planning for next show
  3. ⑦Others
  4. ⑧No response
6.Was your purpose achieved?
  1. ①Achieved
  2. ②Not achieved
  3. ③No response
7.Did you visit the Theme Zone?
  1. ①Yes
  2. ②No
  3. ③No response
■How about the Theme Zone ?
④No response
8.Did you visit the Home Sewing Machine Zone?
  1. ①Yes.
  2. ②No.
  3. ③No response
■How about the Home Sewing Machine Zone ?
④No response
